Tuesday 6 March 2012

First Felt Bloom

So, I finally did it! Made my felt flower arrangement! Massive thank you to flat mate Sue (From Cup of Kettle fame) for the photos. You know the drill, see you after the jump!

Bus Time

I'm working the late shift at the moment, and for an adventure, I decided to get the bus part way home. I really like travelling on buses - when I lived in Middlesex I would pick a bus route and just sit on it. My favourite one went past Hampton Court and Bushy Park. (I'm keeping one eye on the Milk Tray Cat, he is either nibbling my fingers, disappearing behind the sofa or eating the fake ivy.) The one I took last night... well it wasn't my best choice ever since it took nearly two hours to get back! Still, I got to see all kinds of things - I love peeping into people's lit up homes. One place had some major paper-mache stuff going on in the front garden, and another had these long, elegant windows just full of creeping, dark leafed plants. I could just pick out the gilt framed pictures through the jungle.
At about midnight, (so naughty!) I made some more felt flowers, two in yellow. Once I get my camera sorted, i.e. find the charger, I hope to start filling up some tea-cups!
Also, if anyone sees my Isquid charger could they let me know? It seems to have slithered off somewhere.
Where have all the chargers gone!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Dear Ladies and Jelly-spoons

So, I decided on a whim to start a Blog. I've always wanted to have a Blog, but wasn't sure it was in my nature to run one.
While staying in Suffolk, I visited a little, teeny tiny country fair and one of the stands featured flowers planted in a teacup.
I was given a collection of teacups for Christmas that I was going to make into candles, but instead I going to make flower arrangements! With felt flowers!
And then I started to think, I not be very good at crafts, but I sure as goodness want to give it a go this year.


Hello world! Pretty Hippy Chippy has arrived!